Next Event: Maine Sportsmans Show – March 28-30, 2025

Dresden, ME – Green Point Wildlife Management Area

Dresden, ME

Green Point Wildlife Management Area – Map

Choice View Farm, situated at the confluence of the Eastern and Kennebec rivers, provides panoramic views of upper Merrymeeting Bay that bring many a passerby on Route 128 to a standstill. There are only two incredible views of Merrymeeting Bay from surrounding numbered roadways. The open nature of this property adjacent to Route 128 makes this view one of those.

Beyond the wide swath of hayfields, one can look out to Swan Island, Abbagadassett Point to the south, and the protected Green Point Farm property upstream. The property contains wetland habitat of the highest value and is contiguous to other state protected property. The waters off the property comprise wintering ground for the short nose sturgeon, an endangered species. These wetlands and mud flats also provide habitat for a number of rare plants.

The 108 acres at Choice View Farm lie at the heart of an extraordinarily rich wildlife haven that provides essential habitat for numerous rare, endangered and threatened species of birds, fish and plants. The fields are mowed to preserve the view and important grassland habitat for migratory waterfowl and songbirds.

“Few locations in Merrymeeting Bay,” says Molly Docherty of the Maine Natural Areas Program, “match the diversity and abundance of rare plants in this brief stretch of shoreline.&rdqou; The parcel consists of 18 acres of upland and 9 acres of tidal wetland.

The training site is located on the Green Point Farm portion of the property. The fields allow for all levels of NAVHDA training. Only a short walk from the fields, there is Natural Ability level water in the form of a small pond and access to broader waters for Utility level work another short walk down the road.

We enter the site by the green barn where there is plenty of room for staging and parking along the top field. Shade is limited at the training site, so it’s highly recommended that you bring along some form of sun shade/shelter along with plenty of water.