NEXT EVENT: Yankee Chapter Fall Test – September 6-8th

May-2019 BDE – Newsletter


from our prez
April shower did bring May flowers and just when you thought the black flies and the ticks may have drowned……not! Be safe and protect you and your dog this season. Check often for those creepy crawlers.
Our May training events did not disappoint. A record number of Yankee Chapter dog training enthusiasts travelled to Vermont’s Ugly Dog Country for a weekend of training, fishing, food and fun. Hosts Terry Wilson and Nancy Anisfield are the best versatile dog enthusiasts and Yankee supporters evah, Thanks from all! Our May 18th Dresden Clinic was a sell out! Our Director of Testing, Rich Gay, at one point counted 60 cars and trucks surrounding the field. We try very hard to accommodate all at our events with adequate supplies of game birds,
trainers and equipment. We are an all volunteer army at these events, so,thanks for all your support. Don’t forget, the workers at our clinics always have first dibs on training so please show your appreciation of their time and expertise with a cordial thanks. We have amazing group of dedicated and generous members. The best way to learn is to jump in and do!
Test Prep Workshop. We had a great turnout of members at this event, returnees and brand new versatile dog owners. I agree with their comments and compliments, it was a great day full of information. We do not hold these every year so take advantage when they come along. We try to offer an educational event, free of charge, to our members yearly. Approximately 50 took advantage of the expertise our NAVHDA judges, Blaine Carter, Bob England and Jason Carter. Questions were great and discussions were learning moments for all. Thanks for your support.
The Yankee Chapter’s Training Committee, chaired by Tyler Bruce, should be very pleased with their accomplishments this spring…..many supportive comments followed our last training clinic. Tyler’s committee members are Blaine and Patti Carter, Jason Hawes, Mike and Lisa Rinaldi, Bill and Cindy Tracy, Jim and Holly Greenleaf. The committee had chapter volunteers ready to go! Just wanted to share some clinic mechanics.
The NAVHDA Apprentice Hunter Program wants to thank the Yankee members at our last clinic for donating to the upcoming camp in July. Terry Wilson also donated proceeds from the VT Clinic to the program.
We just had two more scholarships awarded from the Kenny King Bob Bisson Fund. Delaney and Rylan Noldan will be attending Bryant Pond’s Conservation Camp this summer.
It’s crunch time and many of you are in the last week of prep for the Spring Test. I wish you lots of success on test day and throughout the summer.
Please keep checking our new and very informative Yankee Chapter website. The Barking Dog Express is always looking for articles and photos. Please send to Casey Barks, our dedicated newsletter editor.
Gun raffle tickets are still available, please contact me ASAP. Winner will be chosen on June 8, at our test in Dresden. Thanks Terry Wilson for your generous donation. Good luck to all. Guess that about does it for my report this month. O ya, one more thing, check out the Members Page so see my turkey. Pretty darn exciting!