NEXT EVENT: Yankee Chapter Fall Test – September 6-8th

March-April 2019 BDE-Newsletter

Always like to give you a heads up “what’s going on” when I start my monthly report. Can you believe it? It looks like January outside. It’s just a snowing and blowing!!! It’s a winter wonderland out there. You all know I love Winter, but enough is enough! It’s
time for dog training, growing flowers and babies.

Biggest news for the Yankee Chapter this month is our new website. It is amazing!
Rob Mathieu, Melissa Knutson and Nancy Anisfield have been hard at work the past few months with this labor intensive project. Be sure to spend some time on its pages and thank those for their countless hours and dedication to the Yankee Chapter. There
is now a ton of easily accessible info at your fingertips. Enjoy.

The State of Maine Sportsmans Show was a huge success. We, as usual, draw record crowds for an audience but this year we had a record number of chapter dogs participating. That’s a lot of crackers! Thanks to all. Check out the Yankee Chapter Facebook page for some show highlights and enjoyment. The Yankee Chapter’s Training Committee, chaired by Tyler Bruce, has been hard at work prepping for our first outdoor clinic of the training season, April 20th. Looking forward to some sunshine, Yankee friends and dogs. See you there. The Test Prep Workshop is filling up. Please email me to reserve a slot at this educational event. The chapter each year gives back to its members with an educational event at no charge. Put May 19th on your calendar today. Don’t miss it!

Congratulations to the Kenny King Bob Bisson Fund scholarship recipients for 2019. Fortunate campers are Wyatt Knutson, Jacob Haskell, Connor Haley, Tannar Gagnon and Bryce Watson.The chapter looks forward to your support at our upcoming clinics. Thanks to Yankee members for their continued generosity for our youth.

Huge chapter turnout this past weekend at Varneys Clay Sports. Brad and Alyss did a great job setting up shooting events for nearly 40 participants. Thanks Matt for organizing a great event. Thanks to so many for coming.

As most of you know, we have a huge test entry this Spring. Because of the importance of testing our Natural Ability dogs, we have added an extra day of testing on June 2nd. Please contact Rich Gay if you are available to help at any, or all, Spring tests.

Terry Wilson and Ugly Dog Hunting, has once again, generously donated a Mossberg Pro 935 12 gauge semi auto camo
shotgun for our 2019 raffle. Tickets are $10.00 and will be available at all our events till gone. Please contact me if you wish to sell tickets. Gun will be raffled off Saturday of our Spring Test. Lastly, don’t forget the Ruffed Grouse Society banquet being held in Augusta, April 21st, after our training clinic in Dresden. It’ll be a long but fun day with friends. Don’t miss it!
Well, that’s about it from my desk at this moment. My two fingered keyboard work is pathetic. Whatever I have forgotten I will catch up on our website, Facebook or a Judie email. Enjoy Spring and this month’s Barking Dog Express. See you all real soon.
– Patti